September 22, 2018

The Hungarian Art and Culture Festival will be a one-day event held on September 22, 2018, in Civic Park, Walnut Creek.
The day-long event is a street fair, celebrating Hungarian culture, music, dance, art, and gastronomy from 11 am – 5 pm.
The family-oriented event will offer entertainment for all ages. Participants will enjoy live concerts, folk dance performances, wine tasting, traditional dishes, parties, and cakes.
The kids' corner will keep the tiny ones busy with games and activities.
The Festival’s mission is to introduce Hungarian culture and heritage to the broader community of the East Bay Area of San Francisco.
The Festival would be organized by The East Bay Hungarian Educational Group a non-profit organization that operates a school in Downtown Walnut Creek in co-operation with Sister City International.

Performance schedule
11: 00 am - 11:05 am -- Laszlo Tihanyi, Traditional Man Folk Dance
11:05- am - 11:20 am -- Live Pipe Gardon by Ferenc Tobak
11:25 am -- Opening Ceremony, speeches Andras Doncsev, Consul, Science and Technology Attache in San Francesco
& Justin Wedel, Mayor of Walnut Creek
11:35 am - 11:45 am -- Hungarian Folk Performance by Eszterlanc
11:50 am - 12:55 pm -- Danubius Band Performance
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm -- Corvinus Chorus (with kids)
1:20 pm - 1:45 pm -- Living the tradition – performance by Lilla Serlegi and Ferenc Tobak
1:50 pm - 2:25 pm -- Zala Folk Dance Group with Children Zither Performance
2:30 pm - 2:40 pm -- Karpatok Folk Dance Ensemble
2:45 pm - 3:10 pm -- Hungarian Folk Dance Circle with Laszlo Tihanyi
3:15 pm - 3:25 pm -- Karpatok Folk Dance Ensemble
3:30 pm - 3:55 pm -- Zala Folk Dance group with children Zither Performance
4:00 pm - 4: 05 pm -- Laszlo Tihanyi, Traditional Man Folk Dance
4:10 pm - 4:20 pm -- Karpatok Folk Dance Ensemble
4:20 pm - 4:50 pm -- Zala Folk Dance group with children Zither Performance
4:45 pm -- Finale with Karpatok Folk Dance Ensemble
Kid’s Corner schedule
11:15 am Little Red Riding Hood - Children's performance in Hungarian
11:45 am Let's go Places. Creative interactive play by Csaba Hernadi
12:15 pm Music Circle with Balazs Horvath
12:30 - pm Arts And Crafts
1:00 pm Children zither and folk instruments workshop
1:30 pm Arts and Crafts, Facepaint
2:15 pm Pumpkin pipe making and interactive music and hands-on instruments. Train Dance with Ferenc Tobak and Lilla Serlegi
2:45 pm Dance house with Zala Folk Band
3:15 pm Arts and Crafts
3:15 pm Pottery with Erika Pazmandi
Thomas Jackovics
Csoori Sandor Foundation
Elvira Orly
Szabo Winery
Erzsebet Legrandy & Tamas Kerekjarto
Erika & Ferenc Pazmandi
Katherina & Mark Thomas
Carol Hoy